Cape Malay Dress Code
WELLFLEET, Mass. – Gathering agrarian cranberries is a abatement attitude on the Outer Cape. Join Cape Cod Civic Bank Ranger Jody Anastasio on Tuesday, November 21 at 1:00 pm for some pre-Thanksgiving exercise and last-minute cranberry picking. The walk, which meets at the parking lot at the end of Aerial Head Alley in Truro, will bisect aerial dunes with amazing angle of East Harbor afore bottomward into agrarian cranberry bogs. Learn about emblematic dune accumulation and the accustomed and cultural history of cranberries on Cape Cod. Bring water, a alembic or bag if you’d like to aces cranberries, and dress in layers for wind. Within the civic seashore, it’s permissible to aggregate up to one gallon of cranberries per being per day for claimed consumption.
IF YOU GO: From Eastham and Wellfleet—Take Route 6 into Truro. Afterwards casual “Head of the Meadow” and “Pilgrim Heights,” attending for the small, blooming artery assurance “High Head” on the right. Turn appropriate assimilate Aerial Head Road. At the fork, buck larboard assimilate the clay road. Park in the bike aisle parking lot.
From Provincetown—Immediately afterwards casual East Harbor (Pilgrim Lake), attending for the small, blooming artery assurance “High Head” on the left. Turn larboard assimilate Aerial Head Road. At the fork, buck larboard assimilate the clay road. Park in the bike aisle parking lot.





