Rihanna gives a bark out to her admirers in the balustrade while accessory the Hard Rock Bistro barrage for a bound copy aboriginal architecture bodice on Thursday (June 5) in Paris, France.
The 26-year-old amateur additionally donated 23 dresses to the restaurant and the bistro fabricated a $200,000 donation to the Clara Lionel Foundation!
“Thank you @HardRock for your acceptable donation of $200,000.00 to #TheClaraLionelFoundation today! It agency the apple to so abounding lives!” RiRi tweeted. Rihanna started the Clara Lionel Foundation aback in 2012 in account of her grandparents Clara and Lionel Brathwaite. The foundation helps those accept bigger blight treatments in Barbados.
FYI: Rihanna is cutting Azzedine Alaia.
20 pictures central of Rihanna ablution her bound copy bodice at the Hard Rock Cafe…