BOBO-DIOULASSO, Burkina Faso • In 2000, farmers in Burkina Faso, Africa's top affection grower, were desperate. Their affection fetched top prices because its high-quality cilia lent a comfortable burnish to accouterment and bedsheets. But pests — bollworms — were aggressive the crop.
Even aback you abandoned the bollworm larvae into a brazier of poison, farmers said, they kept swimming.
Monsanto, the seeds and agrochemicals aggregation based in Creve Coeur, proposed an answer: a genetically adapted ache of affection declared Bollgard II, which it had already alien in America and was business worldwide. GM was accustomed in all-embracing agronomics in South Africa, but not amid the smallholders who aftermath best African cotton. The Burkina farmers agreed to a balloon and the country alien seeds with the gene in 2008.
The consistent affection was pest-free, and the autumn added abundant. By 2015, three-quarters of all Burkina Faso's assembly was GM, and it became a advertise for the technology amid smallholders in Africa. From 2007 to 2015, delegations from at atomic 17 altered African nations visited Burkina to see it.
But there was a problem. While the bug-resistant genes produced added volume, the affection fell. Aftermost season, the affection farmers of Burkina Faso abandoned the GM varieties.
"Genetically adapted cotton, it's not adequate today. It's not adequate tomorrow," said agriculturalist Paul Badoun, acrimonious afar a chapped scattering of raw affection in his acreage abreast Kongolekan, a apple of baby mud brick houses in the southwestern affection heartland.
The country's GM experience, told by added than three dozen Monsanto insiders, farmers, scientists and affection aggregation admiral as able-bodied as in arcane abstracts advised by Reuters, highlights a abstruse bewilderment faced by abiogenetic engineering. For Burkina Faso's affection growers, GM concluded up as a accommodation amid abundance and quality. For Monsanto, whose $13.5 billion in revenues in 2016 were added than Burkina Faso's GDP, it accepted big-ticket to clothier the artefact carefully to a bazaar niche.
The Burkinabes knew from the alpha that American affection varieties absolute Monsanto's gene could not bear the affection of their civil crop, affection aggregation admiral and advisers told Reuters. But they apprenticed on because Monsanto agreed to brand its pest-resistant genes into their built-in plants, which they hoped would assure the affection and accumulate its exceptional value. That, they say, was a failure.
In July 2015 Monsanto wrote to the Burkina growers adage the affection problems had been account by added benefits. Asked by Reuters about the affection problems and whether it promised to fix them, the aggregation did not respond. Instead, it acicular to a altercation that erupted with Burkina Faso over payments for seed-licensing fees.
"We exited our affection business in Burkina Faso due to the accretion claiming in accession authorization fees that had remained due for a cogent period, admitting Monsanto's efforts to analyze businesslike solutions," the aggregation said in an emailed acknowledgment to Reuters' queries.
"Monsanto takes any complaint it receives actively and endeavors to get to the basis of any issues, whether they are acquired by Monsanto articles or not," the aggregation said. The Bt adventure was a collaborative accomplishment with Burkinabe authorities and bounded stakeholders, and Monsanto announced with all stakeholders to bigger accept the declared issue, it said: The declared abatement in affection affection "can be attributed to assorted factors such as the environment."
The company, which has agreed to a takeover by Germany's Bayer, told Reuters its abiogenetic ancestry adapted Burkina Faso's affection sector, convalescent the lives of 350,000 farmers and the about 4 actor Burkinabes who depend on them, by accretion assembly and abbreviation pesticide use.
Roger Zangre, a Burkinabe agronomical scientist who helped accompany Monsanto to Burkina Faso, said Burkina's abstruse shortcomings were partly to accusation for the problems with the GM crops. "Before the introduction, our capacities should accept been reinforced. But all of that fell by the wayside, and that's on us ... We can't accusation Monsanto alone," said Zangre, who was active by the accompaniment and said he had never been paid by Monsanto.
But Brian Dowd-Uribe, an abettor assistant at the University of San Francisco who has advised the case, said the Burkinabe acquaintance has debilitated aplomb in Monsanto. He and bristles added all-embracing and Burkinabe advisers and affection area admiral accept Burkina's affection botheration above bottomward to poor ancestry processes.
"Here is an affair that was accustomed aboriginal on in the ancestry action and balloon date that over about 10 years they were clumsy to resolve," he said. "What does that beggarly in agreement of Monsanto's adeptness to auspiciously abettor ancestry programs that acquiesce for the ... characteristics adapted by their partners?"
Monsanto beneath to animadversion on this. It said its Bollgard II technology charcoal beneath application in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa and is assuming adequate after-effects in trials in Malawi. Authorities in Malawi did not acknowledge to requests for comment.

Africa's anniversary affection exports are account about $1.2 billion, according to statistics aggregate by the Swiss-based All-embracing Trade Centre. South Africa and Sudan are the alone added African nations afar from Burkina Faso to acquaint GM affection so far. Sudan autonomous to acquaint adopted varieties that it knew would aftermath lower affection cotton, artful that the added achievement would account the bead in value, a affection able at Sudan's agronomics admiral said. For now, he added, that bet has paid off.
In Ghana, Uganda and Nigeria, growers accept additionally been testing Bollgard II, but they say Burkina Faso's acquaintance has fabricated them added cautious. "We are actuality actual agnostic now," said James Wiyor, controlling secretary of Ghana's Affection Development Authority.
Mali, Africa's cardinal two ambassador and Burkina Faso's capital bounded rival, says it ashore with conventional, high-quality strains; it says this accommodation gave it an bend over its GM rivals.
"It's a shame," said Jane Dever, a assistant and affection agriculturalist at Texas A&M University, discussing Burkina Faso's experience, "because (Burkina Faso) absolutely was (Monsanto's) guinea pig for introducing transgenic affection into West Africa."
Burkina Faso is big in African cotton, but baby in all-around terms. India, the apple leader, grows over 20 times added affection anniversary year. Alike so, Burkina depends heavily on affection exports.
Around a fifth of its workforce participates in the sector, according to the Apple Bank. Clumsy to go head-to-head adjoin big producers, Burkina Faso instead able quality.
"Burkina affection was one of the best adopted cottons," said Ashwin Subramanian, arch of Singapore-based bolt banker Olam International's West African affection business. "The importing countries in the Far East consistently adopted Burkina cotton. The affection was good. The bendability was good. Aggregate was good."
The country's above annoyance problems began in the 1990s - aboriginal whiteflies, again bollworms which augment on annual buds, bane them and damaging fruits.
Farmers were spending about $60 actor every year to assure their cotton, and alike again accident 20 percent to 65 percent of their crops, Monsanto told Reuters. Losses could acceleration to 90 percent in fields that had not been advised with pesticides.
In 1995, the Burkina government asked Zangre, the bounded agronomical scientist, to attending into biotech solutions. He met Monsanto admiral at a appointment in Cameroon in 1999 and the afterward year helped acquaint the company's assembly to admiral from Burkina's affection companies and the farmers' union. Together with government officials, they adjudge action for the affection sector.
In 2003, Burkinabe advisers began testing Bollgard II affection that was actuality developed in the United States. Right away, they accepted it was able adjoin pests. It contains a bacillus declared Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, that wards off insect larvae.
But the affection problems were appropriately obvious.
Cotton affection is best frequently bent by the breadth of the fiber, or staple, that emerges aback a bunch is pulled out of a affection boll. The best the cilia or staple, the college the quality. Monsanto's American Bt affection produced abbreviate fibers, the affectionate about acclimated to accomplish bolt for accustomed use such as jeans and t-shirts.
"When we started application it, we knew that the American array wouldn't absorption us, because it didn't accept the affection we required," said Bazoumana Koulibaly, analysis arch for the affection affairs at Burkina Faso's agronomical analysis institute, INERA.
The Burkinabes said they asked Monsanto to brand the Bt gene into their built-in cotton, so they could ally its annoyance attrition with their connected fibers. However, tests conducted by INERA in 2006 and 2008 begin that the new Burkinabe Bt fibers were amid 0.88 mm and 2.41 mm beneath than the country's accepted cotton.

In 2008, Burkina Faso's government approved to acquaint new accountability accoutrement to the deal, according to a U.S. adept cable appear by WikiLeaks. Again U.S. Ambassador Jeanine Jackson intervened on account of Monsanto.
"Upon audition the account of a accessible arrest to the planned commercialisation of the Bt affection in Burkina Faso, Ambassador discussed the issues with both Prime Minister Tertius Zongo and Monsanto reps," the cable said. "The PM again interceded and instructed that the authoritative adjustment be afflicted to accommodated Monsanto's terms."
The Burkinabes initially capital to accomplish Monsanto to compensating the affection aggregation and its assembly if there were problems, according to a announcement the affection industry beatific to Monsanto which was advised by Reuters. The revised authoritative adjustment said instead disputes should be handled through acknowledged and authoritative channels and bound in adequate faith.
Zongo beneath to animadversion on why he interceded. Jackson, who has now retired from adept service, said she did not anamnesis the capacity but acclaimed that advancement of U.S. businesses and investments is usually the "number one task" for ambassadors. Monsanto beneath to animadversion on this point.
Burkina alien the new GM affection for berry assembly in the 2008-2009 season. A all-encompassing bartering barrage was appointed for the afterward season.
Wilfried Yameogo, the administrator of Sofitex, Burkina Faso's better affection company, said the accommodation to go advanced was based on a agreement from Monsanto that it would fix the affection problems advanced of the bartering launch.
"Monsanto fabricated promises, and we connected to aftermath it. They said, 'No, no, no. It will be okay.'" Yameogo said. Reuters could not affirm whether such a affiance was fabricated and Monsanto did not acknowledge to a appeal for animadversion on this.
The growers confused fast. By 2014, GM affection had surged to about three-quarters of all the affection acreage buried in Burkina Faso.
In the three seasons afore Burkina alien Bt cotton, over 90 percent of its achievement was classed as aerial affection boilerplate to connected basic by the country's affection companies. In 2010-2011, GM affection fabricated up over bisected of production, but alone 21 percent of the crop accomplished the antecedent affection standard.
"There was a botheration affairs this cotton," Agronomics Minister Jacob Ouedraogo told Reuters.
Monsanto paid about $3 actor in advantage to the Burkinabes in those aboriginal two seasons due to the affection problems, according to the announcement advised by Reuters, which was beatific in 2015 to accuse about losses affection companies had incurred. Monsanto beneath to animadversion on this point.
Burkina Faso's affection connected to suffer. In 2014-2015, boilerplate Bt affection fibers from about the country were up to 2.29 mm beneath than the accepted strains. The affection absent its exceptional pricing. The impact, according to the Burkinabes, was a bead in the bulk of its achievement of at atomic 3 cents per batter of cotton, or amid 2 and 5 percent of the airy all-around criterion price.
Singapore banker Olam All-embracing had been amid Burkina Faso's better customers. It had to seek out new buyers, eventually affairs on the cheaper achievement to bolt mills in Pakistan, said Olam's West Africa affection arch Subramanian.
Geneticists like Dever say the botheration was the process, not the Bt gene. Retaining specific affection characteristics in new varieties is one of the hardest tasks adverse affection breeders, Dever said.
"It can be done," she said. "You aloof accept to accomplish abiding you do the adapted cardinal of backcrosses and you do the adapted bulk of testing."

To acquaint a gene, breeders cantankerous a bulb already absolute it with a additional ancestor possessing added adapted ancestry — in this case, Burkina's connected affection fibers. They again brand the aboriginal amalgam with the additional parent. The process, accepted as a backcross, continues: The added backcrosses, the added the new array will resemble the additional parent.
Zangre and INERA'S Koulibaly said Monsanto agitated out aloof two backcrosses afore introducing the new variety. "Evidently the two backcrosses were insufficient. It was all-important to go further. Breeders will go to six or seven backcrosses to absolutely get over 99 percent purity," Koulibaly said. Monsanto beneath to animadversion on this.
Dever, who has developed affection varieties for companies including Bayer, estimated that accustomed out three added backcrosses would accept pushed aback the absolution date of Bt affection by at atomic a year.
Zangre said that if the Burkinabes had bedevilled the able accoutrement and abstruse ability to acquaint the Bt genes themselves, they could accept abhorred the mistake.
Yves Carrière, an entomology assistant at the University of Arizona who studies Bt crops, accustomed in Burkina Faso in 2009 planning to set up a affairs to adviser the introduction. He was worried, he said: The Burkina authorities had affairs to arch off abeyant problems, but the universities and accompaniment agencies that in the developed apple would about abutment such a biotechnology barrage appeared weak.
"It was rushed. That's for abiding ... It was rushed and far from optimal," he said. "It shows the shortcomings of alike the better corporations, which do not accept the anatomy and the bureau to do aggregate that needs to be done in developing countries."
For its part, Monsanto never based abstruse agents in the country, a above Monsanto agent who was complex in the action told Reuters. Instead, he said Monsanto developed the new Bt varieties in the United States, paid about $350,000 annually to armamentarium analysis convention INERA's assignment on the GM cotton, and flew in its own scientists aback required.
Monsanto beneath to say if it had based its own advisers in Burkina Faso, but said its activities resulted in cogent investments in analysis and development.
By 2016, the Inter-Professional Affection Association of Burkina (AICB), the affection sector's awning organization, claimed the affection companies' losses had accomplished about $85 actor over the antecedent bristles seasons.
In the final adjustment that concluded the affiliation aftermost December, Yameogo said Monsanto ceded over $19 actor in royalties that the Burkinabes had been withholding. In exchange, the Burkinabes agreed to bead demands for compensation. Monsanto said the settlement, which it declared a "goodwill gesture," was confidential.
For Burkina Faso's farmers, Bt cotton's allowances were "barely acceptable," according to a 2016 abstraction by the French government's agronomical analysis agency, CIRAD. It begin farmers fabricated added money, but the new seeds additionally added their banking risk.
Burkina Faso is now clawing aback its reputation. In the 2016-2017 season, the aboriginal back it alternate to accepted affection seeds, 98.8 percent of its assembly was graded as boilerplate to connected staple. So far, the bollworms accept not returned.
If they do, Burkinabe admiral say they aren't axis their backs on GM, although the country does not use the technology at present. However, they say, any varieties charge fit their different needs.
"We still favor the use of biotechnologies," said Yameogo, the affection aggregation boss. "We've been armed and acclimatized by the acquaintance we had with Monsanto."
Additional advertisement by Reuters reporters Nadoun Coulibaly in Ouagadougou, Khalid Abdelaziz in Khartoum, Arwa Gaballa in Cairo, Tiemoko Diallo in Bamako, Kwasi Kpodo in Accra, Elias Biryabarema in Kampala, Mabvuto Banda in Lilongwe, and Alexis Akwagyiram in Lagos.

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